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Nelson Marlborough Branch

Welcome to the Nelson Marlborough Branch of Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand. We service the northern portion of the South Island, from Westport to Seddon, including the main districts of Nelson and Blenheim.

Contact branch

Key contacts

Rebecca Colley Nelson branch


  • Chairperson
  • Phone 03 544 6643


  • Community Support Team Leader - Registered Social Worker
  • Phone 021 0222 1203

How we help

The Nelson Marlborough Branch supports people with CF and families in their region and can provide assistance with information, welfare issues, equipment such as nebulisers, emotional and financial assistance as well as a listening ear.

Our branch holds fundraising events each year to raise the funds required to provide these support services. We are always on the lookout for volunteers, so if you are interested please get in touch.

You can also keep up to date with branch news on our Facebook page


Get in touch


The Nelson Marlborough branch committee aims to meet quarterly. We welcome anyone with the enthusiasm to make a difference to the people living with CF in our region.

If you'd like to attend our next meeting, please get in touch with us and we'll confirm our next date. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Get in touch
091 CF

Nelson Marlborough Branch news

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Give to this branch

Life for people with CF is a daily struggle for survival, copious medication, physiotherapy and frequent hospitalisations.  Most people with CF and their families will tell you apart from the obvious dream of a cure, their dearest wish is most often simply for a ‘normal’ life.  As a branch, we try and make the everyday easier, by providing a number of support services to people with CF and their families.

Committee members

  • fallback profile


    Hi, I'm Rachel and I am a mum of two daughters. My youngest daughter has CF and is currently 11 years old. This diagnosis led me to become involved with the Nelson branch. I am currently the branch secretary.

  • Graeme Nelson branch


    Hi, I'm Graeme and I have CF. I am 46 years old, married to Dorothy and we have two teenagers. We have been involved in the Nelson Branch committee off and on over the years and fully appreciate the support branches and CFNZ provide. We as a family make the most of every day we are blessed with.

  • Rebecca Colley Nelson branch


    I am a proud Mum of two young adult children. My 26 year old son has CF which led me to become involved with the committee early on in our journey. I am passionate that everyone living with CF and their families have a voice, equal opportunities and all the support they need to live every moment.