4 May

Do you shop online? Help us raise funds for free!

4 May 2020

Do you shop online? Help us raise funds for free!

We’re delighted to now be a ‘cause’ partner of Rewardhub; a website that you can shop through and earn free donations for a good cause.

It’s an easy place to shop with discounts on big brands in fashion, beauty, entertainment, travel, utilities, money, homeware, food, drink and more. When you purchase that candle, those flowers or yummy treats, you'll be supporting CFNZ too. You shop as normal and don’t pay a penny more, brands pay us to say thanks for the referral.

Its really easy to use – all you have to do is sign up via our page below, browse the shops, (where you will receive normal prices and exclusive discounts!) and a percentage of your shop will be donated for CFNZ, with no cost to you.

If you have the Rewardhub website open in your browser, its easy to remember to shop via their links; and we’re excited to say donations are already rolling in, thanks to online shoppers who have already got the hang of it!

Sign up and get shopping, here:
