Beach Road Billboard
Beach Road Billboard
15 May

Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month is here

May marks the beginning of CF Awareness Month. This gives us all an opportunity to raise awareness of CF and the huge variation of the lived experience for our community.

A lot has happened over the last 12 months, and while significant progress has been made, we’re reminded daily that the challenges of navigating CF can be cruel, and they haven’t gone away.

CF is a condition for the whole of life, and that means regardless of modern treatments, each individual experience of CF is unique. This CF Month we’re sharing the reality of four members of our community who have courageously agreed to share their experiences to help shed light on the daily reality of living with a chronic and life limiting condition.

Four-year-old Tailen has to use a nebuliser every day, because cystic fibrosis is cruel. Sophie’s family is balancing the joy of welcoming a newborn with concerns for her future, because cystic fibrosis is cruel. Grace is a teen who has already had a liver and pancreas transplant, because cystic fibrosis is cruel. And Lizzie has to navigate uncertainty, every day, because cystic fibrosis is cruel.

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Their experiences are a reminder of the breadth of challenges that our community lives with each and every day.

CFNZ remains steadfast in our commitment to delivering support in New Zealand, that is meaningful for each person until the day a cure is discovered. There are just over 600 families now living with the daily reality of CF, your kindness will make a real difference.

With heartfelt gratitude, thank you for helping us do the work we do.


Let's ignite a wave of kindness across New Zealand this May for CF Awareness Month! We’ve put together a menu of options, so you can click to be kind and give some kindness in a way that works for you.

You can purchase some of our awesome new merch, make a donation, fundraise for us and help raise awareness - find out more and click to be kind HERE