31 August 2020
Today Auckland moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 2.5. The rest of New Zealand remains at Alert Level 2.
For Aucklanders, this means following the Alert Level 2 guidelines, with the additional restrictions on social gatherings. Aucklanders aged 12 and over are also encouraged to wear a face covering whenever they leave their home and is mandatory on public transport.
Auckland CFNZ staff and contractors returned to working from home since moving back to Alert Level 3. As we move to Alert Level 2.5 our Auckland staff will continue to work from home and our Northern fieldworker Gretchen will continue to connect with people with CF and their families virtually.
We’ve decided to take this cautious approach to protect the health of our CF community. We’ll continue to be guided by the Ministry of Health and the rate of community transmission and let you know when Gretchen is seeing people in the community again.
Gretchen will follow the district health board (DHB) recommendations for visiting PWCF during an inpatient stay or clinic visit and will follow the DHB protocol for personal protective equipment use.
Our other fieldworkers will continue to visit people in the community as per our Alert Level 2 guidelines.
Like our last move back to Alert Level 2, sending your child back to school is ultimately a personal decision based on what’s best for you and your child and individual situation. The Ministry of Education has up to date advice about returning to school and early learning centres here
The Unite against COVID-19 website also has advice for people with underlying medical conditions here
We encourage everyone to stay up-to-date by regularly checking the Unite against COVID-19 website. We also keep our community updated on our Facebook page and you can find all of our COVID-19 updates on our Coronavirus help and advice page.